Sunday, March 15, 2009

Good songs

From the fella who brought us Dragostea din tei, comes Crazy Loop.


the moon rounds out lost memories
in her i see yesterday and tomorrow
today she whispers into these winds that chase my toes and fingers into the earth
sometimes i bury errant thoughts with compost
but building new channels, forming new figures with this shattering glass
forms another reality

Monday, March 9, 2009


not a day passes that i don't appreciate the jaw surgery i had so many years ago
i can chew, turn my head and talk with friends without pain
having access to that care gave me this life

being a self-sufficient adult feels so sweet

swinging my arms and legs after work toward tabor or through laurelhurst fills my body with an adrenaline rush i crave constantly
some days the hail bounces from my bright, white jacket
other days, the wind presses against my forehead and rain falls from my brow
this summer, i'll crest firelane 7 in shorts and a sports bra
my body is a miraculous capsule

the emotions flowing through me bring highs, lows and mediums that still awe me, even after all these years
i chase these words, hoping that this time i'll capture "it," the perfect essence of this moment or that memory
but every new experience moulds herself differently and i find the words escape me
just to stand at the entrance of reality and let the chills flow
is enough

just breathing

i'm filling the space inside myself
instead of emptying it out
it seemed over these many months
that a clearing away approximated the action at hand
but it hasn't been
instead i'm breathing life into those granules of myself
buried deep below
letting the small specks fill with possibility and openness
i'm amazed at their growth
and how calm the days can be when specks and granules are given the attention they deserve
those storm clouds are dissipating
as a calm confidence grows within