Tuesday, June 3, 2014

MU Research review (& one other thing)

I worry sometimes that the Missourian is too MU-focused. I wonder if, because we are MU students writing for a community newspaper, that we lose touch with the community and get lost in our MU bubble. Of course, the answer is not easy and it probably depends on who you ask. I realized this evening as I read through the MU Research News site, that for me, the story often starts at MU, but it can certainly venture beyond the university itself. The first connection might be an MU-related person, but then that person can and should connect us out to the wider world beyond MU.

The MU research site has an endless number of story ideas. The overviews are like reading news briefs. There is no central character or narrative, but there is the possibility of one.

These were some of the topics I think could make potential stories (with the right narrative and character):

I also really want to write about what happens to stuff when it isn't sold or is deemed "too gross" for Goodwill. Many people treat it as a catch-all for everything they don't want, so how much is sold and how much is sent elsewhere (where?) or tossed out? I hope to look into this question sometime next week.

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